The Girl I Am


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To All the Girls

Me and My Old Man


My Favorite Everything


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With passionate lyrics of relationships and the people that come with them (or simply about a bicycle), Jen Lem brings a sultry presence that keeps you listening to the end of each story she shares. Sometimes, you may even hear a hint of yodeling!

Jen Lem is a Chicago musician with a twist of pop, Americana and acoustic rock. She continues to hone her songwriting skills with Steve Dawson of Dolly Varden in a group songwriting class at the Old Town School of Folk Music. His assignments help artists of all calibers create their personal library of songs. For Jen, her library has grown, but was always private intended for her family and friends. With a dose of bravery, she is ready to share her music for others to enjoy and relate to.


The Girl I Am

Recorded in Los Angeles at Gold Diggers, this EP is a set of songs that speak to the makeup of the artist. To All the Girls was written to empower girls and women of all ages to find and use their voice. As the lead track, this tone sets the stage for the rest of the stories to follow.

Album art hand lettering by the talented Blanco Siniestro, a Chicago designer.

Alphabet Tree

Jen Lem recorded a series of songs with Steve Dawson. Her personal favorite of the bunch is Roll for Eternity, based on her love of riding bikes. It is where she realized that she sometimes yodels a bit when she sings.


Folk & Roots Festival

Roll for Eternity